In a new interview, Pretty Little Liars creator and producer Marlene King discusses the rest of the season and teases some of the mysteries that are to come.

The Insider reports: What were you setting out to do with the season premiere?
Marlene King: It really needed to set the tone for season 2B. We really flipped things around and the girls are no longer victims. A’s phone is going to provide them with a wealth of information to lead them on the hunt for A.

Insider: I would imagine A to be a very careful person. The kind who has a password on their phone.

Marlene: Yes, but you know we have a Caleb in our world and he’s Mr. Hacker, so he’ll come into play there.

Insider: Is this the road that leads the girls to A or simply the first step?
Marlene: There are a few other big reveals that come up in the first several episodes – there’s something else the girls are about to find that are about to lead them to her. There’s also two parallel paths the girls take in 2B. There’s the Hunt For A but they also find out something about Allison that they didn’t know and they start retracing her steps from the Halloween episode to her death. There’s a big revelation about Allison that is shocking and filled with mystery and fun also.

Insider: Speaking about the Halloween episode, lots of fans have begun to speculate that Allison is a twin given that opening story. Is that a fair assumption?
Marlene: I think that’s fair [laughs] We live in the world of Rosewood, one Sarah Shepherd did a wonderful job of creating for us in her book series. So everything and anything is possible in this extraordinary world these PLL’s live in.

Insider: Why did you decide to reveal A’s identity now?

Marlene: It just felt organically like a solid place to do it. It felt like we had gone as far as we could with the current story we’re telling to keep it fresh and exciting. It was time to juice it up. We’re ready to give you a new something to gasp about.

Insider: Do those gasp-worthy moments also happen in the finale?
Marlene: There are a couple of things to gasp about in the finale. We’re editing it as we speak but I do feel confident that while we answer a huge question, we also give the fans so much to talk about while we’re off the air between seasons two and three.

Insider: This week’s episode also saw Ezra tell Aria’s parents that they were in love. What made now the time for that?
Marlene: It felt as if the characters have taken us on that path. For Ezra not to step up in that way would be unforgivable. It was just the right thing for Ezra to do. He had to proclaim his love for Aria. In some ways we were side-paddling in season 2A – in 2B, everyone moves forward and takes a very progressive, proactive turns. This is the season of no more victims, and that includes Ezria.

Insider: That said, it does feel like Spoby was a victim of A, no?
Marlene: I think while Spoby was a victim of A’s plot, but I can twist it and say that Spencer is proactively keeping Toby safe by keeping him at arms length. I think about those two characters and their arc this season and it just destroys me. It’s such a beautiful journey and I promise there is a great resolution to that dramatic journey.

Insider: The 2A finale really made it seem like Garrett and Jenna were directly involved with Allison’s death. How much of those two — and Club NAT — will we see this season?
Marlene: Clab NAT plays a significant role in 2B. And we’re really going to get to know a lot more about Garrett, The “Jarett” love story, their connection to Allison and possibly A.

Insider: Looking ahead, what excites you about season 2B?
Marlene: 2A had to set up a lot of story, so 2B is a freight train driving full steam ahead with no breaks and this never-ending series of “oh my god” moments. We just keep going at a pace that is insane. I wish we had two hours every week to tell these stories as we head towards this huge revelation. And you feel it. You feel that pressure and speed in every episode. I think that’s what will excite fans. There are so many jump-off-the-couch moments in every episode. We held back nothing.

Is it just us or did Marlene slip up in answering the third question by saying that ‘there’s something else the girls are about to find that are about to lead them to her [‘A’]. Does this mean ‘A’ is a girl? Let us know what you think!