See the Mother. Meet the Mother. Get to know the Mother. How I Met Your Mother season 9 is going to be legendary, according to this recently released clip. In it, we see new footage of season 9, focused solely around the mother, with other characters interacting with her.

In keeping with the previous trailer (you can see our write-up of it here), we see the gang – the original five – walking around with their golden umbrellas. With clips from the new season injected throughout.

We also now know the first two episodes will be entitled “Coming Back” and “The Locket,” in which Sherri Shepherd will guest star.

Watch the video:

Many questions arise after watching this clip: Why is Lily on a train? Why is the Mother on the train? Watching Lily and the Mother sit together, knowing who the Mother becomes, should evoke some interesting emotions in fans.

We also get our first look at the character of the Mother – our first real look, beyond the one line uttered in the finale. She seems funny, and sweet, but it’s important to remember she will probably first be introduced as just a member of the band preforming at Robin and Barney’s wedding.

Eight years ago, How I Met Your Mother debuted on CBS. The year was 2005, a season after Friends ended, and with the similarities of the two shows, HIMYM was written off as a wannabe copy-cat. But now with How I Met Your Mother season 9 almost in the books, the show definitely carved out its own niche in the comedy market over the past decade, and it will be missed when it ends next spring.

We’ve waited so long for this character to be revealed, and we’ve only ever known her through Ted’s descriptions. There is still a lot of speculation about who she becomes and what happens to her. Some viewers think Ted is going through the ordeal to tell this story because the Mother has passed away.

What do you think happens with the Mother? Why has Ted been telling this story for eight long seasons?

How I Met Your Mother season 9 begins Monday, September 23 at 8 p.m.

Click here to read our recap about what happened during last season’s finale, and be sure to check out all our HIMYM footage as the show heads into its final season.