Bob Day came to visit Jess and brought a surprise with him on New Girl season 4, episode 3, “Julie Berkman’s Older Sister.” Find out what happened with our recap!

When Schmidt goes to use his idea notebook, he discovers it’s covered in stains. Nick admits he used it as a napkin when he was eating a sloppy joe. Other dirtiness is found as well, and Schmidt demands that Nick cleans it up.

Jess has news that Bob is coming to visit with his new girlfriend. Jess tells Cece that this time she will be nice to her dad’s new girlfriend no matter who she is. That is until she opens her front door. Behold, it’s her former high school class mate Ashley.

In the safety of Jess’ room, she and Cece freak out about trashy Ashley. They recall many rumors about her sexual conquests in high school. Still, Jess says she’s not going to do anything about it.

Schmidt has to figure out how to sell sponges to men and it’s freaking him out. Recruiting the guys to help, he has them say the first thing that pops into their heads about sponges. They mostly just yell out “the sponge” and “yellow.”

At brunch, Ashley talks about staying back her senior year of high school and doing lots of drugs. She also confirms that the rumors they heard about her in high school were true — she did sleep around a lot. Apparently she has a sex addiction that caused her to go to rehab.

When Ashley excuses herself, Bob drops another bomb on Jess. He’s planning on marrying Ashley. Trying to get dirt, Cece goes through Ashley’s phone. But what they think are texts to a lover is actually her client. Because Ashley is also a sex therapist.

Desperate to impress his boss, Schmidt promises to pull together a testing group. He gets the guys to help him once again, giving them lines to say. Nick then hits it off with a girl in the group. From the start Schmidt’s boss can tell the group is rigged.

After having a deep talk with Bob, Jess realizes she doesn’t need to take care of her father anymore. They then see Ashley suspiciously walking with another man. It turns out to be her sponsor and Ashley leaves, saying she needs space.

As Schmidt is getting taken off of the sponge account, Nick bursts in. He tells Julia that Schmidt needs the account because they are currently sharing a room and Nick wants to bring his new lady friend back.

When Schmidt tells Nick that no one would want to go back to his dirty side of the room, it sparks an idea. They go through a whole bit on the spot about how men will learn to clean because it’s the only way to get laid. Julia actually loves it and gives Schmidt the account.

Trying to save things, Bob and Jess grab the ring he bought. Running after Ashley, Jess gets run over by a group of bicyclers. Even though she’s injured, Jess manages to hold up the ring as Bob proposes. Ashley accepts and calls Jess her little girl.