Fox has released the episode stills for New Girl 2×22 “Bachelorette Party” showing fans how Cece and Shivrang will prepare for thier upcoming nuptials. Take a look at them here!

Cece and Shivrang decide to fast track their wedding plans and neglect to plan bachelor and bachelorette parties. This comes as a surprise to Schmidt and Jess when they get the wedding invites in the mail. Jess takes it upon herself to throw Cece a surprise party.

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Of course the episode won’t be without drama. Schmidt isn’t dealing with Cece’s looming wedding well, which causes him to freak out about not being able to bring a guest to the wedding. Jess also manages to talk Nick and Winston into kidnapping Shivrang and taking him out to the bar.

Schmidt will be there as well, but he’s busy trying to pick up every girl in the bar. Of course we can’t forget that Nick and Winston will be commissioned to take a picture of Shivrang’s privates because Cece’s never seen him naked! Too bad they accidentally send Jess the wrong snapshot.

June Diane Raphael makes another guest appearance as Sadie.

What do you think will happen on ‘New Girl’ when Jess throws Cece a surprise bachelorette party?

Photo credit: Jennifer Clasen/Fox