A brand new Ghostbusters trailer has just arrived, and it looks great! In related news, the movie has a new title.

Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot may be under fire for daring to cast women in the lead roles and/or daring to be a reboot (because reboots are obviously horrible and it’s not like Hollywood is built on reboots/remakes/adaptation/sequels/prequels/spinoffs or anything), and that’s a shame — because beneath the hate, it all looks pretty great.

And this latest trailer is the best one yet! It debuted Wednesday morning on social media, giving us some awesome shots at the new ghosts and creatures — and, curiously, the title looks like it’s been tweaked from simply Ghostbusters to Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.

The theme of the trailer, fittingly, is about how a brand new team is ready to answer the call. Check it out:

No one but these girls can handle “the kind of evil” that’s floating around New York City… and if we didn’t know better, we’d say they were talking about angry Internet trolls. But nope! Still ghosts! This one in particular seems to fit the theme:

Long time no see, Slimer!

Further, it seems to confirm that hot-secretary-Kevin (Chris Hemsworth) is taken over by one of the supernatural forces, off on his motorbike to wreak havoc on the city. Yeah, we’re here for this.

Related: Ghostbusters’ Paul Feig wants the ‘true geeks’ to take fandom back from the bullies

But let’s talk about the new title, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.

Although adding a sub-headline might seem superfluous, especially so close to the movie’s release, it may be a last-ditch effort from Sony to tone down the hate for the movie.

Clearly, fans of the original have reasons (both reasonable and ridiculous) for worrying that this reboot will somehow ruin the legacy of the ‘flawless’ original series, and giving it a subtitle makes the new Ghostbusters seem more like a franchise expansion than a replacement.

Whatever the case, we hope everyone answers the call on July 15, showing the leading ladies Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon some love.

As a further incentive (if you need it), the movie also features cameos from original Ghostbusters stars Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver.