Check out a gorgeous new line of Game of Thrones merchandise from Dark Horse, and sample the new Ommegang brew.

Summer is here, and that means the long Game of Thrones hiatus has begun. Season 4 won’t premiere until 2014, but until then, we’ve at least got great merchandise to spend our money on!

Winter is Coming reports that Dark Horse has unveiled a couple of new collectible items which Game of Thrones fans will definitely want to get their hands on.

These are a limited edition Stark banner shield only available at San Diego Comic-Con (retailing for $30) and a White Walker statutte sold for $125 from December 18.

This one’s for the over-21 crowd only: Brewery Ommegang, which is launching a series of Game of Thrones-themed beers in partnership with HBO, has announced Take the Black!

The first beer in the series, the Iron Throne, was a blonde ale. This one is a stout; darker and sharper in flavour, with a 7% ABV.

The label art shows the Weirwood tree where Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly went to take the black (the Night’s Watch oath) in season 1 of the TV show.

(Click on the image for a more detailed look at the design.)

More details will follow about the release of this product.

Have you had the opportunity to sample the Iron Blonde Ale, and are you looking forward to trying Take the Black?