Yesterday, I did what I always do when I’m bored: Look at Doctor Who merchandise on Amazon. Only this time, I found some things I had never seen before.

Spoiler warning!

I love the new Doctor Who, and am always looking for any sort of spoilers I can get my hands on. (Partly in hopes that River will show up and warn me.) I was checking Amazon the other day, seeing if the prices for sonic screwdrivers had dropped, when I came across a sonic screwdriver I had never seen before. It looked like the Eleventh Doctor’s, but it didn’t have the claws, and the tip was blue. It was called a “Trans-temproal Sonic Screwdriver.” Having not watched many of the old Doctors, I immediately took to Google to see if this was an old sonic, or something brand new.

What I found surprised me a little. This new sonic was part of a new line of toys this year. People who had been at a toy fair this year took pictures of these new toys, including the sonic, a “personal TARDIS” that looks like an oversized vortex manipulator, and a gun made out of Dalek and Cyberman parts called an “anti-time device.” The thing that struck me as odd, was that the new sonic and personal TARDIS had a steampunk look to them.

It was then I started making connections with these new toys and the new series. A while back, when we were getting pictures from the second half of the season, I asked a question in the comments wondering if all the episodes were set in Victorian England. Then in the past week or two, more pictures were released and the article that featured them threw out the same idea.

In addition to these new toys, would it be too outlandish to assume the Doctor gets trapped in Victorian England and has to start from scratch? Creating a new sonic and a personal TARDIS? Two things are for sure, I can’t wait for the new season to see if my guess is correct, and I can’t wait to get my hands on that new sonic!