The new back cover for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in the United States has been released.

The back cover depicts Harry in the titular location standing alone as he stares at the iconic Chamber of Secrets. A quote from Lord Voldemort in the form of Tom Marvolo Riddle is included: “This diary holds memories of terrible things. Things that were covered up. Things that happened at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Scholastic is releasing each of the back covers one at a time every morning over the next week. Sorcerer’s Stone’s was unveiled on Thursday and depicts Harry standing in front of the Mirror of Erised.

We’re starting to see a trend with these back covers: Each features Harry’s back (so far), a quote, and a blue color scheme. May all of them be from the rear perspective of Harry, so we’re looking at the scenes from his perspective?

Stay tuned throughout the next week for additional back covers. In the mean time, check out all of the front covers in our previous article.

All of this art work – and there’s plenty of it – is designed by Kazu Kibuishi. The books go on sale August 27 in the United States in paperback form. They are being re-released in honor of Sorcerer’s Stone’s 15th anniversary and to appeal to new generations of readers.