The internet loves to moan when websites accidentally (?) spoil surprises, but now Netflix has made it possible to willingly spoil yourself.

Netflix has launched a new site called “Spoil Yourself” where you can press a big button to activate a television show or film clip. Each time you press the button, a spoiler-packed clip from a randomly-selected show or movie plays right before your not-so-innocent eyes.

The clip begins playing as soon as you click the button, so there’s no time for you to suddenly decide that you don’t want this particular show/film spoiled. Your only chance at saving yourself would be to close the window as quickly as possible. Netflix also includes the title of the film over the clip so you know exactly what is being spoiled for you.

Netflix uses clips from a wide variety of shows and films. No matter how old (Old Yeller) or new (Orange is the New Black season 2), or epic (Breaking Bad), the online streaming site is willing and able to spoil you.

While this feature definitely won’t be for everyone, it’s a unique way for the pop culture-obsessed to make sure they’re caught up on as many spoilers as possible. Check it out now!

If spoiling yourself isn’t for you, click the same link and take a quiz to learn what kind of spoiler you are.