It’s a small leap from Captain Hammer to Booster Gold, so why not give Nathan Fillion the part?

Nathan Fillion of Firefly, Castle and most recently Con Man fame recently did a Firefly reunion panel with Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau at Wizard World Chicago, and had an interesting answer when a fan asked him what DC Comics character he’d like to play.

“I think I could take a pretty good crack and Booster Gold,” Fillion said, to much applause. “That’s kind of in my niche show-off-y vein. I think I could handle that. Not too bright.”

Described as a, “glory-seeking showboat from the future,” Booster Gold is a lot like Doctor Horrible‘s Captain Hammer — just a little more polished — so we could totally see Nathan Fillion in that role.

Related: Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion on why Con Man isn’t about Firefly

But would it ever actually happen? Prooobably not. But a Browncoat can dream, right?

The good news is that Booster Gold is a canonical member of the Justice League, which gives him a perfect in considering DC’s current trajectory… and the character could inject some much-needed levity into dark films like the upcoming Batman v Superman.

Get on it, DC!

Fillion also suggested Ambush Bug, who’s “a little bit off his rocker,” and then Greatest American Hero, because why the hell not? “It’s due for a reboot,” he argues.

Throwing the question over to Summer Glau, Fillion suggests she could be She-Ra: Princess of Power. Which would be perfect timing, considering that they’re currently remaking He-Man!

Would you like to see Nathan Fillion, or any of his Firefly co-stars, show up as big-name heroes in future DC or Marvel movies?

After all, Morena Baccarin has already made the leap, playing Copycat in the upcoming Deadpool.