During a Jimmy Kimmel Live! appearance, Natalie Portman reflected on her Star Wars movies, and revealed why her son can’t watch them.

Once upon a time, Natalie Portman put on a pair of white pants and a matching cut-off top, and empowered little girls everywhere.

(You can say a lot of bad things about the Star Wars prequel trilogy, and severely critique the way George Lucas transforms Padmé Amidala from a strong, intelligent ruler to a simpering wife who literally dies of a broken heart, but there was a hot second there when she was actually a positive role model.)

Related: Natalie Portman is “done” with Thor and Marvel

Natalie Portman now has a five-year-old son named Aleph, who is just about ready to fall into a pit of Star Wars-nerddom. But Portman won’t let him watch the prequels, for a very legitimate reason.

Hear her explain it to Jimmy Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live!:

Says Portman, “He knows about it, of course. It’s kind of a shame because you know when I made it, I was like, ‘This is going to be the coolest thing, one day when I have kids, I can show them.’ And boys of course are obsessed with it and know all about it before they’ve seen it. Then I realized: I die in the movies. I feel like it’s kind of a scary thing to show your kid.”

In general, we would advise anyone not to show Revenge of the Sith to their five-year-olds (or 10-year-olds for that matter).

But The Phantom Menace should be fair game, right? He’ll love Jar Jar Binks… which might be another excellent reason to keep him far away from the prequels, come to think of it.