Did Nashville leave you wanting more? How did Avery react to the news he’s a father? Find out below!

Y’all, I’m as late with this recap as Juliette is with telling Avery about the baby! Let’s begin!

Let’s start with the main event: Juliette is on tour and her outfits are beginning to rub awkwardly on her baby bump. She heads to her dressing room to change and instead of discovering the costume assistant, she finds Zooey. Why is Zooey there? She was looking for the costume lady too and got sidetracked by all of Juliette’s dresses. How is this girl still on the show?

The next day Ju is discussing her upcoming schedule with assistant Emily and seemingly tired of keeping her secret, TEXTS Avery that he is going to be a father. Avery gets the text just as he is getting to his court mandated service work on the side of the highway so good timing all around. As he frantically calls Juliette for some confirmation or explanation, his phone gets taken away. As soon as his duties are done, he hightails it to Ju’s trailer on the set of the Patsy Cline movie. Does Avery take a calm approach? Ah no.

After screaming for all to hear – but more importantly for Noah West – about her pregnancy, Glenn, with his horrid hairpiece, comes out of the trailer and basically tells Avery that Ju had the worst childhood and he refuses to put the baby in that same position because Avery can’t not drink his blues away. So we have to wait until later to see those two actually have it out in person.

Lastly for Juliette: her love scene is being filmed and here is where everyone could discover her secret. Noah, being the guy that obviously is falling for her after barely spending any time with her, tells the director that the illusion of her being naked is better achieved if she is on top in the scene. He agrees and Noah tells Ju that her secret is safe with him. And that he doesn’t care she has a baby daddy.

Onto Rayna! Girl is kicking butt at multi-tasking, at least in Sadie’s eyes. Then she gets a call from Daphne which makes her miss the girls so she has Luke pick them up for a family weekend, minus his daughter whom we have yet to meet. Daphne has a major case of sass, as she acts like a brat towards the flight attendant and tells her mom she “suuuuucks.” Not cool Maddie-lite!

Rayna is able to talk her down and the whole bunch goes bowling but can’t escape the fans or paps. Maddie has been sulking THE ENTIRE time she has been on screen. Why? She saw a picture of herself in a tabloid and is taking what they said to heart real bad. She is having serious image issues which is crazy because the girl is stinking cute.

Rayna gets hit with the reality of being on the road when she Facetimes the girls who got a spa day with Teddy. Daphne got earrings and Maddie got highlights. After calling Teddy to ream him out, Ray breaks down but as always buckles down and put the show on.

In other character news: Will has his “trainer” on the road, making him happy as a clam. Jeff notices how “happy” he is and informs Will he needs to get the guy to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It doesn’t go well and Will ends up looking for love in a park at night. Again, that doesn’t go well and he gets beat up by two guys who also steal his wallet. WITH HIS ID. This makes me nervous, people. He stumbles back to the hotel and Deacon realizes what’s up. His view? Live and let live. Budding friends!!!

Zooey is not a character that adds much value to the show, let’s not lie. She finds out about Juliette’s pregnancy and it seems like they share a moment. However, she is still sore about not getting in the spotlight more and when Juliette almost passes out on stage she ends up swooping in to finish the song! GIRL. This isn’t New Year’s Eve and you are not Lea Michelle’s character in that movie. I hope Ju lets you have it!

Meanwhile, Scarlett has a plot with a homeless guy who has the voice of an angel. Again, not really important. Oh and Layla is flirting with her producer and Jeff doesn’t like it. I actually don’t mind her singing voice; it’s when she starts speaking that she grates on the nerves. She is so distraught over her situation she kinda goes crazy and almost takes some pills to not feel stuff.

And finally in this happened news: turns out Gunnar is a dad! His long time love has a 9-year-old son who he meets when he goes to say goodbye to Kiley. This is not a necessary plot point but it does allow Gunnar and Avery to reconcile after their big fight last week. “I have a sad dad apartment.” Ha! Best father buds for life!

What did you think of ‘Nashville’ season 3, episode 5?

Next week looks like everybody is getting a second chance! Juliette gets all kinds of visitors in the hospital while Rayna is still having trouble adjusting to “Layna” life. Have a great week and look for news on episode 6 of Nashville later in the week!