In February it was spoiled that one of the characters would be having a baby scare! Now more details have emerged about who will be having it and what will happen!

Hannah Simone revealed to E! Online that her character would be the one having the baby scare!

“It’s a big thing that happens on the show,” she reveals. “She’s late. I remember when I read that script, because already there’s a lot happening with Cece and Schmidt, and I remember when I read it I was like, ‘oh my gosh, is there nothing this show won’t do in season one?’ It’s crazy. And it’s very interesting to see how everybody handles that.”

Later E! Online also spoiled how Schmidt would be reacting to the news

Lyla G.: Cece and Schmidt baby on New Girl? I die. Tell me Schmidt will be happy about it…I love them together!
You tell us: after finding out about Cece’s condition, he gives toasts and sings to Cece’s stomach. Safe to say, Schmidt realizes how lucky he is to have wormed his way into Cece’s bed and uterus. Was that gross to say? Probably. However, one of the roommates won’t exactly be on board with the possible parents-to-be. Any guesses who’s not on Team Baby?

How do you think this baby scare will affect Cece and Schmidt’s relationship?