Disney Pixar has released a new trailer for Monsters University, the Monsters, Inc. prequel hitting theaters this June.

This latest trailer is notable for the fact that it reveals how Mike and Sulley became friends – but we won’t spoil it.

You can watch the Monsters University trailer, complete with Japanese voiceovers, below. We’d get into more detail about the newly unveiled scene, but it’s reportedly a pretty big spoiler that we’d rather wait to see in the actual film. The spoiler is so significant, even one of Pixar’s animators appears to be a bit disappointed it was included:


Previous looks at the film have indicated that Mike and Sulley do not start off as friends in the prequel. Their first encounter is when they share a dorm at Monsters University, at which point a monster pet owned by Sulley goes out of control and bothers Mike.

The controversial trailer:

Want to see a spoiler-free trailer? Check out the theatrical domestic trailer released last month. Also check out this colorful Monsters University poster which we’re sure you’ll be seeing around town and in theaters soon enough.

Thanks, Slashfilm.