Three funny Monsters University clips were unveiled by Disney Pixar today and show off Mike and Sulley’s experiences as they interact with fraternities.

In “First Contact,” we see Mike and Sulley’s first morning as members of the Oozma Kappa brotherhood.

In “ROR Material,” Sulley’s capture of the Archie, the rival school’s mascot, just might be enough to make him worthy of joining the leading fraternity on campus: Roar Omega Roar.

And finally in “OK Initiation,” Oozma Kappa’s sacred initiation ritual gets an unexpected interruption as the members try to welcome Mike & Sulley to their brotherhood.

We’re absolutely loving the humor and sharp graphics throughout the story and can’t wait to see it all on the big screen on June 21.

Next week we’ll be able to share our interviews with John Goodman and Billy Crystal who voice Sulley and Mike respectively.

For now, check out the latest Monsters University trailer which features a very young Mike as he gets to experience the Monsters, Inc. scare floor for the first time. It’s at that moment he becomes inspired to make a career out of scaring. The trailer also offers a more detailed glimpse into the storyline and the heart that the movie is going to hold.

Monsters University is the prequel to Monsters, Inc. which was released by Pixar in 2001.