In a sure sign that reality is crumbling around us, Hasbro is eliminating the thimble player piece from the classic family board game Monopoly after an online vote. YOU VOTED FOR THIS!

Monopoly is getting a make-over, with new player tokens and probably some kind of Hunger Games-inspired playing style, idk.

As part of the re-branding, which will be unveiled on March 19 (which is World Monopoly Day, who knew?), one of the original player tokens will be dropped from the game.

The weakest link was determined via an online vote, and the loser ended up being the dearly beloved thimble, which has been a part of the game since 1935.

Related: A Monopoly musical is coming to Broadway (no, really)

This follows the change in 2013 when the clothing iron was replaced by a cat piece — in other words, all the vestiges of the old world are disappearing, and the top hat is next ?

We’ll find out on March 19 what new token will replace the thimble; according to the Radio Times the voting options included a TV, gramophone, bathtub, trumpet and more.

Because we know you’re all as upset about this life-shattering announcement as we are, here are some of the best reactions to the death of the thimble:

Goodbye forever thimble, Monopoly won’t be the same without you