Did you love I See You as much as we did? Well, read on for answers to who may or may not show up again in another Molly McAdams book.

Stand alone stories always make us wonder if there’s even the slightest possibility for characters to show up in another way somewhere else down the line. There’s more than one character in I See You that doesn’t leave the story with their happily ever after, and we’d definitely love to see them get their happy ending.

Check out our brief chat with Molly McAdams, who was lovely enough to let us pick her brain about I See You, possible future books, and some fun questions that get us into the mind behind the magic.

About ‘I See You’:

From what we’ve seen on your website and in Amazon and Goodreads book descriptions, it seems that I See You is a standalone, but we leave poor Declan with such a tease about a new lady in his life. Is there any chance we could be getting his story at some point?

You know, I don’t think so…but I really have no idea. He could surprise me one day down the road! I think he really just wanted everyone to know that he was okay, you know? Okay with life, okay with the situation, okay with everything. It is such a tease, but I think Declan is the kind of guy to leave you with a tease rather than wondering if he’s bitter.

We’re also intrigued by Jess and Jentry’s story. Jess was a secondary and crazy character in I See You, but it seemed like she had started to change for the better by the end. Could we see more of her growth in more stories set in this world? (Possibly even hers?)

Oh man, weren’t they quite the sibling pair? I’m not going to say much, but I will say that you might be onto something with the “possibly even hers.” I have a series coming in 2017, and Jess makes a fantastic appearance, making you rethink everything you thought you knew about her.

Where did you get your inspiration for including Linda’s troubles so prominently?

I got the inspiration for Linda while watching a reality TV show with this southern mom who was too opinionated, downright rude, and always bringing down her daughter-in-law and babying her son. I took her and multiplied her by 10…and voila! Linda! As for her mess being so prominent? It’s just in Linda’s nature to be in the middle of everything, including her son’s relationship, so I knew she had to have a major part in the story. Which meant her hatefulness was a huge part of the story.

Which scene in I See You was your favorite to write?

The scene where Jentry and Aurora are on the beach that night, fighting, and everything suddenly shifts to Jentry yelling at her, pouring out his heart and begging her to — well, your readers should just read the book to find out what happens. ;)

Which was the hardest?

I actually had a really difficult time writing the closet scene with Jentry and Aurora — the one where he reaches for her and she stops him. And I really have no idea why it was so hard. I don’t know if it was because I knew she needed to let him help her. But it was difficult for me to let her walk away from him. I think I actually walked away from that scene a few different times!

You mention in your acknowledgements section that I See You took a little bit of a journey from where it started to the story we have in our greedy little hands. Any fun facts from where the story began that we wouldn’t guess in a million years, or changes that would blow our minds?

HA! Well, it was actually supposed to be a spoof on all of the fairytales and Disney Characters. Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Belle — I could go on and on… But in my McAdams way: still a love story, still some devastating twist. And it was definitely supposed to be more of a love triangle, with Aurora more torn between the two men, not sure who she was more in love with. I think it’s pretty clear who she’s in love with all throughout the finished version of I See You.

Just for fun:

When we interviewed you last after To the Stars, you mentioned that you were a big Beauty and the Beast fan. How excited are you for the live-action version coming next year?

SO EXCITED! Like, I may have just done a little spazzy hand movement when I read your question. We watch the teaser trailer quite often just so I can stare at it…and then stare some more. It’s an obsession. And I am so in love with the people cast. I really don’t think they could have a better cast!

Have you been drawn into the Hamilton craze like the rest of the Broadway fans in the world?

I’m so embarrassed to say that I haven’t even checked out Hamilton yet. How is that a thing? I love all that is Broadway…and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t hopped on board.

Are there any romance sub-genres you haven’t explored that you’d like to? (e.g. paranormal, historical, etc.)

Writing-wise? So, I’m actually a huge fantasy and paranormal fan, and would love to be able to write it. I’ve tried a few times actually, and am not very good at it. Maybe one day I’ll finally get the hang of it. ;)

Any recent reads that you can’t stop praising? There are so, so many good books coming out that’s it’s hard to keep track of them all!

I’m so beyond obsessed with the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas! So far, there are only two books out, but it says a lot when you obsess over the first book, and then the second book comes out and it blows the first out of the water. I may have sat there cuddling the hard cover for a good 10 minutes. Also! The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson. Pure genius!

Our staff seems to be divided into two camps, those that love Halloween, and those that love Christmas. Which would you say you fit into?

SANTTAAAAAAA! You can pretty much just call me Buddy the Elf. I’m all about Christmas. I start singing Christmas music before Halloween, and counting down the days to Thanksgiving so I can finally put up my decorations!


In honor of Molly’s new release, we are happy to give away a collection from her back catalog. Enter below to win copies of: Sharing You, Taking Chances, Trusting Liam, From Ashes, Forgiving Lies, Deceiving Lies, Letting Go, and To the Stars.

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