Modern Family season 5, episode 3 “Larry’s Wife” just finished airing on ABC. Now you can read our recap and discuss the story line with fellow fans.

Our recap of Modern Family season 5, episode 3 “Larry’s Wife” is as follows:

Phil finds out that he can gain a lot of clients in divorced women. However, they take up a lot of his time, often calling for emotional support. Claire gets upset when Phil stops helping around the house and the kids get a little out of control. She gets even more freaked out when she sees him grocery shopping with another family, but has fun watching him sweat it out when he gets confronted by multiple clients.

After Joe gets thrown out of baby gymboree, Gloria is convinced he might be cursed. She tells Phil that her family has a curse on them and has a dark side. Gloria tries to get help by calling a priest, but he thinks there’s nothing wrong with Joe. He advises her to raise Joe to be the person she wants.

Cam and Mitch are in a lovey glow after becoming engaged. To try and make things easier, they agree that Cam will plan the wedding. When Cam starts telling Mitch about the wedding plans, Mitch starts freaking out. It causes his OCD to get out of control.

Meanwhile, Lily is worried because Larry hasn’t been seen in a while. Cam tells her he’ll come back, even though he’s convinced the cat is really dead.

Cam can’t get up the courage to tell Lily that Larry is probably dead, so he makes a story that Larry left to get married. But then the cat suddenly shows up in the middle of his tale. To cover up his lie, Cam has to tell her that Larry’s wife died. So naturally they throw an elaborate funeral for the made-up dead cat.

When the digging of the grave ends up with a water pipe being broken, all hell breaks loose. As children and animals run loose around the house, Cam worries he can’t plan the wedding on his own. When Mitch comes home they agree to plan the wedding together.

Luke starts a new hobby playing high-stakes poker games with his friends. In order to pay back a bet, he helps one of his “creepy” friends kiss Alex. Haley decides to jump into the game and together with Luke they lose big-time. To try and gain something back, they beg for Alex to help.

What did you think of Modern Family season 5, episode 3’Larry’s Wife’?

Photo credit: ABC