Nintendo’s famous creative force Shigeru Miyamoto sees a lot of parallels between the launch of Sony’s PlayStation Vita and the 3DS.

In an interview with Edge, Miyamoto compared the two launches.

It’s [PlayStation Vita] obviously a very hi-spec machine, and you can do lots of things with it. But I don’t really see the combination of software and hardware that really makes a very strong product.

When we launched the 3DS hardware, we didn’t have Super Mario 3D Land, we didn’t have Mario Kart 7, we didn’t have Kid Icarus: Uprising. We were striving to have all of these ready for the launch, but we weren’t able to deliver them at that time.

We were kind of hoping that people would, nevertheless, buy into the product, find 3DS hardware promising, but looking back we have to say we realise the key software was missing when we launched the hardware.

The next round of Vita games include the anticipated Sound Shapes and Gravity Rush which should help the system sell. While U.S. sales numbers are not readily available, the Vita is regularly outsold in the Japanese market monthly.