Fandango has a great new set visit report from Mirror Mirror with director Tarsem Singh and the cast.

In the new report, Singh talks about what it was like the day he got Julia Roberts to star as the Evil Queen.

“When I got Julia, it ticked every box and I had no idea the kind of pressure that gets lifted off you if you have an 800-pound gorilla like Julia in your corner.” He added, “Once she came on, everything just parted like the sea for Moses.”

Armie Hammer, who portrays the Prince, talked about how Mirror Mirror changes the role of the prince in the story.

“In the original Snow Whitestory, the Prince is nothing; he comes in, he kisses the girl, happily ever after.” Who’s Hammer’s Prince? Let’s call him the existential crisis Prince. Hammer explained, “He’s had every opportunity afforded to him, he knows how to fight, he knows how to dance, he knows how to do everything a prince would know how to do, but he doesn’t know what his skills mean in the world.”

Read the full report here.