This morning it was announced that J.K. Rowling has sold an adult book to publisher Little, Brown.

It seems natural for every Harry Potter fan on the planet to be interested and purchase it. In a way, it’ll be as exciting as a new Harry Potter book. It’s new material from Rowling which we’ve always clamored for. So does that mean midnight release parties?

Just like the release of a Potter book, this new novel is being kept under tight wraps. Despite being sold the title has not yet been revealed. We have no details about the plot. A date is unknown as well.

(By the way.. look at the officially released image of “The New Book” above. Does the size of that book indicate how large it will really be? Oh, does this feel like a Potter release again…)

With these details in mind, it seems like the publisher wants to build on the same excitement that surrounded each Potter book. Each of their release campaigns ended with huge midnight parties at bookstores across the world. And in a time when book stores need help due to eBooks scratching away at sales, we’re sure companies like Barnes & Noble are already plotting ways to bring people in.

I’m already feeling extremely excited for this book and the numerous announcement and interviews we see from Rowling in the coming months. I will be at a midnight release party if I can find one.

So tell us…

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