Fans and critics alike have been celebrating Black Panther, and now one very important voice has joined the ranks of fans: Michelle Obama.

Black Panther may have only premiered in theaters on February 16, but it managed to absolutely dominate at the box office over the President’s Day weekend. It’s broken box office records and will have raked in more than its project $218 million over the holiday.

Related: Black Panther heading for projected $218 million opening weekend

Honestly, it’s not surprising to see this film perform so well at the box office. Just as Wonder Woman was a huge moment for women, Black Panther is a huge moment for people of color, showing a primarily Black cast in ways that don’t often happen on the big screen. The characters on Black Panther are complex, they’re engaging, they’re intelligent, capable, and heroic, and fans have taken notice.

Michelle Obama has been one of the voices coming out to praise the film. She took to Twitter to congratulate those involved with the film while also discussing how important it was for young people to see Black heroes on the big screen.

Representation is so important, and while the Black Panther and the cast aren’t the first heroes of color introduced into the MCU, this is the first time that Black heroes have been the center of attention, surrounded by a mostly Black cast.

It’s so exciting to see the pictures of kids in screenings of Black Panther, cosplaying like characters from the film–people that look just like them. It’s just like Michelle Obama said, thanks to movies like Black Panther telling more diverse stories and highlighting a more diverse cast, these children will grow up inspired to find the courage to be the heroes of their own story, and we think that’s just fantastic.

How has ‘Black Panther’ impacted the people in your life?