You may remember getting unreasonably excited (well, we did) when Paramount Pictures unveiled their plans to give the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles another big-screen debut. Now we have news from Michael Bay that these won’t be the same turtles from our childhood.

True, we know next to nothing about this adaptation so far, but this news has given us a pretty good idea of what to expect, and fans may be very displeased.

Thanks to StuffWeLike (via CBM) for the news!

Michael Bay talks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by stuffwelike

Here’s the full quote for those who blacked out while watching the video.

“When you see this movie, kids will believe one day that these turtles do exist, when we’re done with this movie. These turtles are from an alien race, and they’re going to be tough, edgy, funny, and completely lovable.”

So there you go. The turtles are now aliens, but not only that, they’re gritty aliens. We could write a full opinion article about why this will displease fanboys, but perhaps the gif below will suffice.

What do you think? Is it not as bad as some fans believe? Will we actually get a good adaptation when the film comes out?