See a video interview where Merlin‘s Bradley James answers fan questions: whether Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic, and if he’d do a Merlin film.

SyFy has released the following video Q&A with James. Note: We think that he potentially gives away quite a lot here, so proceed with caution:

“To find out whether Arthur finds out if Merlin has magic, you’ll have to watch the series,” James frustratingly (but understandably!) says in the interview.

What he does pretty much confirm however, is that whether or not a magic reveal does come, Arthur has not previously known about Merlin’s magic, saying that he, “would very much like to have played that Arthur has always known, but I think because of the premise of the show, I think it’s important that Arthur has had no idea. Up until now.”

On whether there’ll be a movie, he says, “possibly, but I doubt I’ll be in it.” (Please, tell us this doesn’t sound like James telling us that his character is dying?)

James also discusses his friendship with Colin Morgan, and how amazed he is that Arthur is still fully functioning after all those times he’s been knocked out – but he wouldn’t change anything about the character, a sentiment we’re sure his fans share.

The final episode of Merlin will air December 29 on BBC One.