Read 10 lines of dialogue from Saturday’s Merlin episode “A Lesson in Vengeance.” Can you work out what the censored words are supposed to read?!

SpoilerTV has released the following 10 lines of dialogue from the episode, as well as either the person who speaks the line or who the line is delivered to:

“This is nice isn’t it? Just the two of us” Arthur to ?

“Unless we find out who they are, what’s to stop them from trying again?” Merlin to ?

“They’d take her and *u* h** t****t” ? to Merlin

“You have my word on it Merlin” ? to Merlin

“Not just to kill, but to do so slowly and with the utmost pain” ? to magic shop owner

“Whoever that belongs to is ex******* w*****y” Gaius to ?

“You must believe me when I say how sorry I am, but the evidence against him is overwhelming” Gwen to ?

“Everything Arthur worked so hard to achieve will be threatened” Leon to ?

“Tell the men we have an intruder, put the citadel on high alert” Mordred to ?

Long live the Queen” The whole court

In the episode, Gwen and Morgana will work together to try to bring about Arthur’s demise. Will Merlin work out what is happening before it is too late, or is Queen Guinevere doomed to betray Arthur in this version of the legend as well?

Merlin 5×07 “A Lesson in Vengeance” airs Saturday at 20:00 GMT on BBC One.

Don’t forget to listen to Hypable’s Merlin podcast Talks of Camelot, where the hosts discuss this latest Gwen change, and series 5 in general. Have you liked the direction the show has been going in so far?

You can also share your thoughts and theories with other Merlin fans on our forums, where there is a TV section and a dedicated Merlin discussion thread!