After tonight’s intense Merlin episode, we’ve got the promo and promotional images for next Saturday’s “Another’s Sorrow.”

Update: More pictures added!

The promo shows the return of Princess Mithian, which is sure to cause problems for the men of Camelot when Morgana uses her in her ploy… The episode’s detailed description, which can be found on the Merlin Wikia, reads:

After Odin wrests control of Nemeth from King Rodor and his daughter Princess Mithian, Morgana uses Odin’s thirst for revenge in a plot to take back Camelot. Using an aging spell, Morgana adopts the guise of Princess Mithian’s maid Hilda and then forces Mithian to return to Camelot to ask Arthur to rescue her father who is in hiding in the forests of Gedref. But unbeknown to the young king – who wants to see Odin pay for killing his father, it’s a deadly trap and Odin – who also wants revenge over the death of his son – is lying in wait with his army poised for attack? Can Merlin see through Morgana’s deception before it’s too late?

The episode will air at a slightly earlier time next week, starting at 20:20 GMT.

We’ve also got the 10 dialogue teasers courtesy of SpoilerTV:

“I would not test me if I were you. You would not like the consequences”

“One small slip and Camelot could find itself without a King”

“The tomb of a King. A fitting end to Arthur’s journey, don’t you think”

“If you were me, if you were in my shoes, would you do anything different?”

“*****, if you are unwell, you must let Gaius help you”

“Please Merlin, that’s all I have. Let it be enough”

“Camelot is nothing without its King”

“Don’t look so surprised, I commanded an army in my time”

“****** should take some of the credit, he’s not entirely stupid”

And here are three promotional images showing Mithian (Janet Montgomery) and her father with Merlin and the knights in the forest, released on Tumblr:

[scrollGallery id=905 autoScroll=false thumbsdown=true]

Any theories about who utters these lines? And what did you think about “The Death Song of Uther Pendragon”?!

Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to check out Hypable’s Merlin podcast Talks of Camelot!