We continue our top 10 countdown of Matt Smith’s best moments on Doctor Who. Today we are going with one of our favorites: the Doctor and Stormageddon.

The 11th Doctor is practically a child himself at times with his over exuberant joy at the simplest of things. It’s probably no wonder that he relates to children so well. We saw him interact with a young Amy Pond several times, and most recently, he saved Merry in “The Rings of Akhaten.” Kids are definitely a soft spot for this Doctor.

There is one episode with children that stands out above all the rest, and that is the episode where the Doctor meets Craig’s (played by James Cordon) son. Most fans have trouble remembering that Craig’s son’s name is actually Alfie because they remember him by his preferred name of Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All!

Even if you don’t have kids of your own, or you aren’t an inexperienced male stuck alone with a baby, you can’t help to simultaneously feel bad for Craig while laughing at him.

In the episode, the Doctor revisits his old friend Craig just before going to what he knows is his “death” at Lake Silencio. Craig’s been having a rough time as a dad, and the Doctor tries to make him feel better about himself.

As fun as the Doctor talking to the baby is, the real high point of the episode is when the Doctor lets Craig know that he has it within himself to save the day.

Cyberman: Emotions eradicated. Conversion complete. {beeping} Alert! Emotional subsystems rebooting. This is impossible.

The Doctor: He can hear him. He can hear Alfie. Oh please, just give me this. Craig, you wanted a chance to prove you’re a dad. You are never gonna get a better one than this.

Cyberman: What is happening?

The Doctor: What’s happening, you metal moron, a baby is crying. And you better watch out! Because guess what? Ha ha! Daddy’s coming home!

Craig: The Cybermen. They blew up. I blew ’em up with love.

The Doctor: No. That’s impossble. And also grossly sentimental and over-simplistic. You destroyed them because of the deeply-ingrained hereditary human trait to protect one’s own genes. Which in turn triggered a… a…. Yeah. Love. You blew them up with love.

How does the 11th Doctor playing with and saving Stormageddon rank on your own top 11th Doctor moments?