Matt Smith has been fortunate enough to have Neil Gaiman pen two episodes of Doctor Who during his regin. It’s probably little surprise that both rank on our top 10 list.

“The Doctor’s Wife” was the first time we really got to explore the relationship between the Doctor and his longest running companion, his TARDIS. From the moment we discover that the TARDIS has been locked up in the person of Idris, A.K.A. Sexy, we are off on a wild ride with the Doctor. The episode is loaded with snappy dialogue between Suranne Jones, who plays Idirs, and Matt Smith. It’s the supreme battle of wits and information. No one can keep up with the Doctor the way his TARDIS can.

What’s truly unusual is the level of onscreen chemistry the two actors achieved though they had never worked together before. They are able to equally command the comic and poignant elements of the story. Their final dialogue is amazing in the emotional range Matt Smith is able to convey even though he is shot in profile for much of the scene.

Idris: Doctor. Are you there? It’s so very dark in here.

The Doctor: I’m here. Hey.

Idris: I’ve been looking for a word. A big, complicated word, but so sad. I found it now.

The Doctor: What word?

Idris: “Alive.” I’m alive.

The Doctor: Alive isn’t sad.

Idris: It’s sad when it’s over. I’ll always be here. But this is when we talked. And now even that has come to an end.

Idris: There’s something I didn’t get to say to you.

The Doctor: Goodbye.

Idris: No. I just wanted to say, Hello. Hello Doctor. It’s so very, very nice to meet you.

The Doctor: Please. I don’t want you to.

Idris: I love you.

As a result of this episode, many viewers now routinely refer to the TARDIS as Idris, and long for the day when the two communicate again.

Would you like another episode with Idris?