The Doctor Who crew was back filming out in the open in Wales again, specifically in the town of Penarth. Matt Smith filmed in a playground while a bevvy of very patient 4-year-olds looked on waiting for their climbing equipment to again be free. *SPOILERS*

The scene looks like it’s another pick-up shot for the episode rumored to be entitled “Cubed”. Matt Smith was in a hammock-like climbing device surrounded by cubes on the ground beneath him. At one point, he picked up a cube to examine it with what looked like either a magnifying glass or a monocle. The cubes beneath him are on a green cloth, presumably to make some sort of post production CGI possible.

The person who shot the above video @tlchimera (AKA Aimee) overheard the following dialogue which is a bit unclear on the video due to the wind.

Read off screen to Matt Smith (character unknown, possibly Amy/Rory):
How did this happen? Wait – Doctor

Invasion of the very small cubes – that’s new!

Later on in the day, Aimee went to a nearby location where she saw Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill join Matt Smith for additional work, but what was filmed was obscured by vehicles and screening. She details the entire experience on her blog.

Entertainmentwise has an 11 photo gallery of Matt Smith in the children’s playground.

What do you make of so many pick-up shots seeming to be needed? Is it a rework of an entire episode?