Matt Smith has revealed that he was positively in love with the concept of the upcoming Doctor Who episode entitled “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.” So which dinosaurs were his favorite?

Apparently there are quite a lot of dinosaurs in the episode to choose from. From the preview footage, the Hypable staff that attended the Hall H Comic-Con panel clearly saw what looked like two stegosauruses rampaging their way out of a locked containment unit.

Today, Collider talked to Matt Smith about the dinosaurs and upcoming footage.

You’ve long said that you wanted to see dinosaurs on the show. Was that something you were excited about?

SMITH: I really have. I’m pleased you remember! Yeah, I really was. I’ve just always thought dinosaurs and the science of Who would be funny, and I love dinosaurs. I’ve always loved dinosaurs. What I’ve seen of it looks great and has a great sense of adventure. As we near towards the end of Amy and Rory’s time, it becomes very sad, hopefully.

Do you have a favorite dinosaur?

SMITH: As a kid, I knew all of the dinosaurs. It’s one of those tragedies that I’ve forgotten what dinosaurs are cool. But, I love Pterodactyls just because they’re massive birds that can eat you. And yet, if I was to pick which dinosaur I’d want to be, there’s a bird that was even bigger. I figure that’s the best way to stay alive. Raptors look a bit mean. T-Rexes are just a bit big and cumbersome, but I love them. Or, I’d be some great big aquatic animal. But, the birds can fly.

See the rest of the interview on Collider

Footage from the episode is seen in the trailer. Screencaps below show the specifics.
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How do you think the dinosaur concept will go over with fans?