Andrew Garfield was seen by the majority of fans as an excellent Spider-Man, so why did Marvel and Sony ditch him when they decided to allow the character back into the Avengers?

Despite the fact that Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 weren’t well-received, Garfield was never seen as the problem. It came as a bit of a surprise to find out that the actor wasn’t involved in the new deal Marvel and Sony cut to get Spider-Man into Captain America: Civil War.

When asked by Uproxx about how far the development of the third Amazing Spider-Man film was, the actor said, “I was actually starting to workshop ideas with Alex Kurtzman, who was going to be writing it. We thought to kind of start from the base level, the foundational level of where have we left Peter and where do we want to see him go and what’s logical.”

He continued, “How do we build upon where we left off with this deep, desperate moment with Gwen? So, yeah, we got to some pretty heavy places and I was really excited to kind of explore it and be involved on the ground level like that.”

As to whether the actor was ever involved in the early stages of the deal with Marvel, the actor said, “No. To be honest [pauses], all the ins and outs of what happened is a more tender conversation that maybe I don’t want to talk about in public in a press situation. But all I can say is that I’m stoked to go and watch a Marvel film of Spider-Man.”

It seems Sony was ready to cut ties with Garfield as soon as the second film failed to deliver the box office numbers they were hoping for, and while the actor says he’s excited to see Spider-Man in a Marvel movie, it’s hard not to notice that he still feels pretty upset about the situation.

Having said that, he does sound grateful for being given two films as the webslinger, and seems excited about the character’s future, saying, “I’m really, really grateful for the whole ride of it. And I’m really excited for the next one. I’ve been petitioning to hook up with Marvel since the beginning, so I’m really glad they’re finally doing it.”

It’s a bit sad to hear he was petitioning to get Sony to hook up with Marvel since the beginning, as we know him to be a major Spider-Man fan.

Despite the flaws of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man films, he did a fine job, and if Marvel wasn’t looking to focus on a high school Peter Parker, we think it would have been wise to keep Andrew Garfield in the role as he joined Marvel’s Avengers.

He seems much more capable of joining the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlet Johansson, and the rest of the Avengers than Tom Holland does. While Holland should be great, he doesn’t look like he could stand toe-to-toe with any of the Avengers, while Garfield definitely seems like he could.

Andrew Garfield will move on from the failed Spider-Man franchise, and we don’t think he’ll have any problem getting new gigs. He’s an excellent actor, and he’s taken this entire situation in stride.