Several Marvel Comics readers have picked up on a very overt reference to British Prime Minister David Cameron in the latest issue of Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders.

The Independent published a very interesting article today, which points out that the latest issue of Marvel’s Britain and the Mighty Defenders features a quote by Tory PM David Cameron — and his words come out of the mouth of the villain!

In the second issue of the series, which was released earlier this month, Fantastic Four‘s Victor von Doom has invaded the city of Yinsen.

He tells the gathered crowd, “Attention, enemy combatants! You have been victims of a passively tolerant society! A society where, if you obeyed the law, you were left alone! That has now changed!”

This is a familiar quote to the British public, who may recall David Cameron speaking similar words soon after the last General Election (where Cameron won another term in office).

“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone,” Cameron told the National Security Council.

Related: What’s happening at the BBC, and why is J.K. Rowling tweeting about it?

The desire to impose more control over the citizens was part of an effort to combat radicalization, but left some voters with an uneasy Nineteen Eighty-Four vibe.

A few months after Cameron’s re-election, a green paper was put forth proposing stronger government regulation of the BBC.

It’s not the first time Marvel has used its platform to comment on the state of society, nor will it be the last. One might question whether it’s the place of fiction to challenge reality — on the other hand, isn’t fiction the perfect venue through which to consider real-life issues, and explore potential actions and consequences?

Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders #2 was written by Al Ewing, and is on sale now for $3.99.