Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill recently discussed his confirmed involvement with Star Wars Episode VII, and said he was “cautious” about joining the film.

Mark Hammill voiced concerns at a Q&A session at EW’s CapeTown Film Festival that many fans themselves have voiced about Star Wars Episode VII: was it really a good idea for he, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher (Han Solo, Princess Leia) to return to the franchise? He wasn’t so sure at first:

Part of me is cautious, saying “let well enough alone, let everyone keep their nice memories if they have nice memories and don’t try to go back and do it again.” But the other side of me, the adventurous side, thinks “If everyone’s in, how could I miss this?”

It sounds like he only joined because everyone else had, which doesn’t actually sound that likely. There was much speculation as to whether or not Harrison Ford would even return at all, and we can’t see him doing so if Hamill wasn’t on board already. The latest update said that Hamill, Ford, and Fisher were “pretty much” signed up for Star Wars Episode VII.

Hamill also discussed the fact that he doesn’t think the three of them should be in on the action of Star Wars Episode VII:

I want it to be age appropriate, so heavy on the Jedi mind tricks and lighten up on the lightsaber duels. Let the kids do the heavily lifting!

This makes sense. We imagine that the bulk of Star Wars Episode VII will focus on new characters (at least to the film franchise), and that Luke, Leia, and Han will be more of the background.

Hamill is optimistic about Star Wars Episode VII, and says he’ll be fighting to make the movie as good as it can be:

I’m one of you, I feel like you’re one of us. I’ll be in there fighting and trying to be as honest as I can be about what I think it is made these movies so special in the first place. It always starts with the script, and that’s why I’m so encouraged by Michael Arndt’s involvement because I respect his writing so much. He’s a big fan of these movies, so hopefully we can make something that doesn’t make everyone want to find us, cut off our heads and throw it right in our faces.

If Hamill thinks they have the right people in line to make this the best movie it can be, we trust him. He won’t find Hypable’s lack of faith disturbing.

Thanks, Collider.

Do Mark Hamill’s comments make you feel better about ‘Star Wars Episode VII’?