In an upcoming interview with Newsweek, Madonna talks to the publication about fellow pop star Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ song, and how it compares to her own ‘Express Yourself.’ She also stopped by ABC News this morning to relay her thoughts on the track.

Idolator reports:

When reporter Jacob Bernstein asked the pop star about her thoughts on Gaga’s single for an upcoming Newsweek piece, she replied, “This is a wonderful way to redo my song [‘Express Yourself’]. I mean, I recognized the chord changes. I thought it was… interesting.”

The Queen of Pop also made an appearance on ABC News this morning, discussing ‘Born This Way’ with the host.

I certainly think she references me a lot in her work. And sometimes I think it’s amusing and flattering and well-done. When I heard [‘Born This Way’] on the radio … I said, ‘that sounds very familiar’ … It felt reductive.

When asked whether “reductive” was a good or bad thing, Madonna responded, “Look it up,” MTV reports.

Just in case you don’t have a dictionary (or Google) nearby, we’ve looked it up for you. “Reductive: tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, esp. one viewed as crude.” That doesn’t really sound like a good thing.

What do you think? Is ‘Born This Way’ Gaga’s spin on ‘Express Yourself’ or was Madonna snubbing Mother Monster?