We have two exclusive stills from this Sunday’s new Mad Men season 7 episode titled “Field Trip.”

The two photos depict SC&P executives Joan (looking as nice as ever, this time with a red and black floral dress) and Jim in the third episode. While it’s hard to tell what’s going on, it’s safe to assume that the two characters are in SC&P’s offices handling the problems of the day:

The synopsis for the episode lives up to its “Field Trip” title: “Don takes an impromptu trip. Betty has lunch with a friend. Harry lobbies for a cause. The partners consider a questionable asset.”

Episode 3 will be the first time we’re seeing Betty this season, this synopsis confirms.

As for Don, we’ve been enjoying seeing him on the move in the first two episodes as he takes time away from SC&P. In episode 1 he took a trip to Los Angeles where he spent a couple days with his wife and caught up with Pete. He met an interesting woman on the flight back to New York but declined her offer of a romantic night together (noble!).

In episode 2 Don took an important step forward with his daughter when he came clean about what happened to him at his job. Sally returned the favor by offering an “I love you” as the two characters parted ways.

Mad Men season 7, episode 3, “Field Trip,” airs Sunday, April 27 at 10 p.m. eastern/pacific on AMC. While you wait, check out our recap of last week’s episode where you’ll also find a video preview of episode 3.