Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Kills gets a new mid-fall release date from its distributor on the heels of Sin City 2‘s delayed release.

It looks like we’ll have to officially move Machete Kills from our summer watch list to our fall watch list.

Open Road Films announced today that the follow up to the 2010 sleeper, Machete will now open on October 4, a few weeks after its original September 13 release date.  Open Road’s other film Homeland with Jason Stathom and Sylvester Stallone, previously held the date, but will also see a push back to Nov. 27.

The new date was previously occupied by Sin City: A Dame to Kill For which we saw get pushed back by nearly a year to August 22, 2014.

Rodriguez also directed the Sin City follow up which has been in development for the better part of seven years. The change of date not only fills the Sin City spot, but puts Machete Kills up against sci-fi thriller Gravity.

The first Machete film made over $44 million dollars worldwide at the box office, quadrupling it’s production budget. Danny Trejo stars as the title character in the ultra-violent, ultra-graphic, action films.

Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez also appear in both movies. The first film’s cast included Robert DeNiro, Steven Seagal and Cheech Marin. The sequel amps up the all-star cast kick with Sophia Vergara, Mel Gibson, Lady Gaga, Edward James Olmos, and Carlos Estevez (aka Charlie Sheen), among many others.

Trejo has said that Machete Kills is the second film in a trilogy and that Robert Rodriguez has already written part three. The third film is rumored to be aptly named, Machete Kills Again.