Mark Hamill has accidentally sparked some concerns about Luke Skywalker’s future in the Star Wars franchise.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens killed off Han Solo (Harrison Ford), ushering in a new generation of heroes and making the sweet reveal of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) at the very end even sweeter.

But is the new Star Wars trilogy in fact a trilogy of main character deaths, with Han, Luke and Leia (Carrie Fisher) dropping off one at a time?

Appearing at an event for the Big Issue charity in the U.K., Mark Hamill sent Star Wars fans’ minds spinning into overdrive when he said, “I finish Episode VIII, and then I’m out of work” (via Den of Geek).

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Many fans took this to mean that, for one reason or another, Luke — who’s set to be Rey (Daisy Ridley)’s mentor in the next installment — won’t be back for the final part of the trilogy, Episode IX.

This makes an uncomfortable amount of sense, considering that every mentor to date — most notably Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda — have died after passing on the torch to the next hero in line.

But Mark Hamill was quick to clarify his comments on Twitter, saying:

Of course this doesn’t mean anything one way or another: If fans interpreted his comments the wrong way, he’d have to clarify, and if he did in fact hint towards Luke Skywalker’s fate, he’d obviously have to throw us off the scent now.

But we’re inclined to believe that he probably did just mean that, once Episode VIII wraps (it’s already completed shooting in Ireland), he’s got an extended period of downtime before they begin scheduling IX production.

What do you think? Will Rian Johnson’s Star Wars movie kill off Luke Skywalker after Rey’s learned everything she can from him, or will that be too predictable/repetitive?

Star Wars: Episode VIII is out in theaters on December 15, 2017.