The film adaptation of The Lost Years of Merlin has a new title, a pair of writers, as well as a producer. It’s well on its way!

The film based on The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron will be titled Young Merlin, according to The Hollywood Reporter. While this is obviously not what the book is called, the series of novels does follow the adventures of the wizard before he becomes the older, wiser version we all know and love.

THR also reveals that Young Merlin will be written by Patrick Massett and John Zinman. The duo previously worked together to write Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Although Young Merlin will be quite a different story, the duo have worked in tandem on several other projects and are sure to be quite the team.

Meanwhile, Gil Netter will be producing the film for Disney. He has produced The Life of Pi and The Blind Side.

Previously, Dave Hill from Game of Thrones and David Farr from Hanna were tapped to write the script, with Barron himself also adding to the adaptation.

A brief synopsis of the film is as follows:

The film will trace Merlin’s journey from being a boy washed on the shores of Wales with no memory and no home, to him becoming a young man learning to use his powers and ultimately defender of the natural world and eventual mentor to King Arthur.

While it is certainly exciting news for fans of Barron’s epic series — and fans of Merlin, too — the film is still far from completion. Once a script has been decided upon, we can only hope that Disney will move forward with the movie by casting characters and bringing this story to life on the big screen.

Until then, hang in there. We’ll be bringing news of the film’s progress as it develops.

Do you like the new title, ‘Young Merlin’?