Rebecca Mader, who played Charlotte Lewis in Lost, has been trying to woo the producers of Fringe via Twitter into giving her a role on the show!



TV Overmind reports that Mader tweeted a picture of herself wearing a Fringe cap and t-shirt to Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman, writing:

Jeff Pinkner responded, writing, “Uh, that sound you hear? That BOOM…? That’s my brain exploding!”

More recently, Mader responded to a fan tweet saying she should guest star on the show: “I’d do it in a heartbeat!” And in her most recent tweet at the time of writing, Mader again tweeted Pinkner: “Too much LSD? Need me to bring you a root beer float?;)”

Just shows you what we can accomplish through social media, doesn’t it? Would you like Rebecca Mader’s innovative campaign strategy to succeed? Personally, I could easily see her on Fringe – maybe they could introduce Nina Sharp’s long lost daughter? Or a new agent at either universe’s Fringe division?