Let’s relive Patrick’s meltdown and explore what it means for the character going forward in Looking season 2.

Let’s face it, Patrick is not the best at expressing himself. When it comes to personal matters or even making simple conversation, 90% of Jonathan Groff’s screen time is cringeworthy. But last week’s episode, “Looking for Gordon Freeman,” took matters to an entirely new level.

Filling a room with Patrick’s friends, coworkers, past lovers, and plenty of alcohol is a recipe for disaster. And disaster it was. With a free mic, Patrick took the stage and demanded that the party kick it into high gear. But first, a few words from our sponsor.

Richie and Brady

Richie and Patrick are trying to be better friends following their attempt at romance. But with friendship comes baggage and Richie has a Brady shaped carry on for Patrick to deal with. Brady has the voice the Patrick never had and it bugs him to no end. Their differences are as obvious as night and day when Patrick interjects in the debate over a new drug that could potentially prevent HIV. Eddie diffuses that situation, but he cannot help the charming speech that reveals Patrick’s discomfort with the entire thing.

Patrick’s attempts to be comfortable with Richie and Brady are only doing more to bury himself deeper in misery. Patrick needs to cut his losses here and make some new friends on the MUNI.

Kevin and John

Why not have your ex show up at a party with the boyfriend he chose over you to really serve as the icing on the cake? After working through a few rough patches with Richie, Patrick takes one look at the happy, unhappy couple and it leaves him even more alone in a sea of people. Even though he searches for his Legolas, who pushes him away not wishing to be a part of Patrick’s sloppy leftovers. Ouch.

But the real groundbreaker comes when Patrick and Kevin get their moment alone outside the party. Patrick watches Kevin make his choice by walking away with John in tow. Although he got a lot out of his system, he throws a wrench in Kevin’s departure telling him to enjoy his new life in Seattle. A comment that John does not entirely understand. Patrick needs to get away from the constant run ins with Kevin, but as long as he is Patrick’s boss, getting away from him is not that easy.

Agustîn’s messy life

Patrick started the night throwing his friend under the bus and exposing his history with drugs to the entire gathering. Taking it in stride, Agustîn comes to Patrick’s aid outside of the party. This is perhaps less about Patrick and more about Agustîn stepping up as a friend for the first time since, well, the beginning of the series. Eddie has a lot to do with that move, but it is nice for Patrick to have a confidant in the apartment while he is going through his flux period.

Let’s get Dom and Agustîn mixed in Patrick’s daily life more. Perhaps Patrick can help Dom run the technical side of his chicken fundraiser and Agustîn can participate in some trial runs of Patrick’s new app.

What should Patrick’s next move be? As much as we love looking at Kevin and as happy as Richie’s company seems to make him, we hope that Patrick can find a way past both of them and find someone or something to give all his love.

Watch Looking season 2, episode 7, “Looking for Glory,” Sunday, March 1 at 10:00 p.m. ET on ABC.