I’ve got one word to say…LOKI! Loki, Loki, Loki…so many feels about him. Where to start? I hate that I love him. In real life circumstances I’m not so sure I would, but as far as cinema/comic books go, I do.

Let’s start with the things I love about Loki. He’s intelligent, and I love a smart man. He seems confident. He’s got a mystery to him. He can shape shift. He can do magic. He’s good looking (Thanks to Tom Hiddleston). He can fight. When he wants something he goes for it, just not always in the best way. He’s interesting and never gives up. I love that he never apologizes for being who he is. He does want he wants, and doesn’t care what others think about him. He’s fun! Why? because he’s mischievous and pulls pranks. So add sense of humor to the list. So I think we’ve established there’s a lot to love about this Asgardian/Frost giant.

As we all know Loki has deep problems. Then again don’t we all? Maybe not to his extent, but they’re there. Loki emotionally has been put through the ringer. Daddy issues, being adopted, etc. etc. Does that mean we should just forgive and forget? Only if he was truly, deeply sorry. Then yes! I’d say here’s your second chance. We all love and support you and have got your back. I truly believe Thor and Frigga love Loki, but in my heart I’m not 100% convinced Odin does. (This is strictly based on my own personal opinions.) Maybe when Odin first found him and took him in, but as he got older and his brothers jealousy set in, and things started to spiral, I’m not sure Odin was on board. Odin never says Loki, I love you! Yes, you’re adopted but you’re a part of this family. Never a hug. No big gentle, caring, compassionate, or heartfelt conversations. In my heart Odin’s to blame for not telling him from the get go. Maybe if he had, Loki would’ve had time to deal with these feelings and understand he is truly loved.

In Thor: The Dark World, the hardest scene for me to watch was Loki in chains conversing with Odin. “You’re birthright was to die!” Ouch! That even hurt my feelings. I get what Odin’s trying to say, but so harsh. I’m pretty sure if this scenario was real, and I was there, I’d have to stand up for Loki, even if it meant me sharing Loki’s cell. Loki might be a Demi God, and not exactly human, but he still hurts, cries, and gets scared. All of which I believe he is and does. Deep down I feel Loki isn’t bad. Mischievous yes, evil…no. He can be helped! Loki reminds me of like a teenager who hangs out with the wrong crowd, and because he likes a bit of mischief, gets caught up in the messes, and is then reprimanded. The big bad boys like Thanos are where the true evil lies. Loki is a tiny dot of bad next to there horrible evilness. Back to my first train of thought, Odin. I can’t help but not like him. I almost feel like he was just waiting for him to screw up, so he could put him away forever, and not have to deal with him ever again.

I don’t know. So much to say, so little time. That’s probably not even half of my feelings, but it’s what I’ve got for now.

All that aside. Loki is an amazing character. So many wonderful qualities for the Marvel writers to play around with. Loki touches each of our hearts differently, and for many different reasons. In the end, no matter what, this character can teach us some amazing things like: never give up, be yourself, have confidence, and no ones perfect but we can be the perfect version of ourselves. We as an audience see parts of us in him and because of that he’s beyond loved.

I’d like to take a moment to thank Mr. Tom Hiddleston for bringing him to life. He’s done his job well. Good or bad, love him or hate him, the character of Loki will always live on.

What are your thoughts on the lovely Loki?

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