The Lizzie Bennet Diaries saw Lizzie moving closer to confronting Darcy after a surprise visit by Caroline.

‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’ weekly recap

Lizzie’s video: ‘End of the Line’

Jane (Laura Spencer) is having a blast with Bing (Christopher Sean) in New York as she continues to advance in her career. Lizzie (Ashley Clements) describes Bing as being attractive arm candy. Lydia (Mary Kate Wiles) is taking it easy while Mrs. Bennet continues to remain unaware of the drama and is too busy celebrating Jane’s reunion with Bing. While Lizzie playacts as her mother, Caroline (Jessica Andres) storms in and is furious about Jane and Bing’s big move.

Caroline plays the overprotective sister card and doubts Bing’s decision making abilities. (“He’s not capable of it”), instead turning the blame on Lizzie. It seems like she cannot think good of her brother. Getting to the heart of the matter, Caroline comes to the Darcy (Daniel Vincent Gordh) issue and accuses Lizzie of manipulating and seducing him. At last it appears that Caroline’s Darcy crush is revealed. Jane’s indiscretion at Bing’s party was kissing another man! Shocker! It looks like Caroline set Jane up. Are you surprised?

Better Living with Collins and Collins: ‘Changing Illumination Globes’

Collins and Collins released the second in a series of informational videos this week focusing on illumination globes. The video with Kelsey Geller tells viewers how to put in a lightbulb. It was a very informative video that lends itself to the quirkiness of the series.

Lizzie’s video: ‘Talking to Myself’

Lizzie doesn’t understand Darcy at all. She still cannot figure out why he helped Lydia. Maybe it has to do with the declaration of love he made a few months ago. It looks Lizzie needs her sister Jane to advise her about Darcy’s motivations. Lizzie outlines the lack of communication with the folks at Pemberly Digital, doing some great impressions of Fitz and Gigi. Lizzie debates calling him as her Charlotte alter-ego suggests but worries about him ignoring her and not wanting anything to do with her. At the end of the episode, Lizzie gets the courage to contact Darcy only to leave an extremely awkward voice mail. Side note: this was the last episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries written by Margaret Dunlap.

What did you think of the ‘LBD’ events this week?