This week on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries we had some emotional moments from the Bennet sisters. Get all of the details now, and let us know what you think.

This week a lot has been happening on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries – and some of that has been right here on Hypable! In case you missed them, we conducted exclusive interviews with stars Ashley Clements (part 1 and part 2) and Mary Kate Wiles (part 1 and part 2), who play Lizzie and Lydia Bennet respectively. You can also find all of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries news in our new Lizzie Bennet Diaries category, which can also be added to My Feed.

‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’ Weekly recap

Lizzie’s video: “An Understanding”

Woah, it was a big day for our favourite (and only) Bennet sisters. First, Jane was home and already back on tea-duty, having been fired from her fancy new job for returning to see her family. Lizzie was struggling to deal with the whole situation, and it seems so was Lydia – who was blaming herself for the whole mess. The only upside – Lizzie seems to have finally worked out how to listen to her sister, and initiated her first hug. It’s all baby steps.

Gigi’s video: “If Else”

Back to Team Pemberley, we had another ridiculous excuse for a company video with Gigi. Having convinced Fitz to give her Wickham’s phone number last episode, she left him a voice mail – only to have the man himself call her back. While we all cringed at his use of “peach,” George worked out the video software enough to show his face and beg innocence.

Gigi was in tears when big brother Darcy phoned to let her know that she had helped after all – by getting Wickham to accept the call he also accepted Pemberley’s Terms and Conditions, which apparently includes the provision allowing the CEO to go all stalker on you. So, problem solved.

The site went down

What site? None other than the Lydia/Wickham sex-tape website, which lost all of its beautiful glitter text and was replaced by this message: “We’re sorry. Due to reasons beyond our control, we are no longer able to offer this product.” Make of that what you will, but it seems like Team Pemberley have got the job done.

Lizzie’s video: “Okay”

Lizzie and Lydia have a nice moment, after discovering that the website has been taken down. We guess they haven’t been keeping up with Team Pemberley like we have, which is a shame. We’re waiting for Lydia to start asking her big sis about Darcy, seeing as she has now watched all of the videos. Still, the sisters have reached some kind of a middle ground – they’re both “Okay,” while everyone who has read The Fault In Our Stars weeps.

Gigi’s video: “Return”

A relieved Gigi calls Fitz to confirm that everything in regards to “the incident” and “that family” has been sorted out. She apologizes for breaking her promise before Fitz flies off to Fiji. Gigi then takes a call from Darcy, who tells her that Wickham “will never be able to do this again.” (We’re thinking death by suspenders or prototype Pemberly time machine.) Gigi prods Darcy to tell Lizzie about his intervention, but all she gets is a grudging agreement that he will to try and make “amends.” Gigi smiles and tells Darcy to go for a swim – he will find it refreshing. (So will we, Gigi. So will we.) With that, Gigi concludes her Domino demonstration series for Pemberly Online.

What did you think of this weeks ‘LBD’ events?