While we love The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and all the twists that the modern day retelling of Pride and Prejudice it brings to us, today was a bittersweet day. While we saw growth and development from two beloved characters, we also saw the beginning of the end, the conclusion, as it were, to one of our beloved webseries.

The Good: Jane and Bing are officially together. I know we were all holding our breath throughout the entire episode to see if they would kiss, and it was not a disappointment! But they also grew, they realized their own flaws and realized they cannot go back to where they were. Jane realized that she has her job, but she can also have a relationship on the side, whereas Bing realized he listened to others too much while not listening to himself enough.

The Bad: Two of our favorite characters had their closing scene today. Christopher Sean and Laura Spencer both tweeted that today was their finale on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. This makes us realize that one storyline has come to a close. This closure, although good, comes at a point where we realize there are more episodes behind us than ahead of us.

The Future: We know the cast finished filming yesterday and finished this expansive project that is The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Although this is sad, it means they can move onto different projects and perhaps another webseries. Although not with the same actors we have come to love, there are rumors that a second book will be coming to computer screens in the near future. For that reason, although I am sad that The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is coming to close, I am happy there is something to look forward to.