TGS has been cancelled and there is only one woman who can un-cancel it! In a new clip from tonight’s episode of 30 Rock , Liz gives an impassioned, Patton-esque speech to her co-workers to have them join her in the fight to save the show. Though we’d like to see General Patton give a speech that begins with “listen up jagweeds” and ends in “and that little boy’s name was Marshall Mathers.”

Check out Liz’s heroics below:

God bless that Liz Lemon. She mixes up the order of “defcons” just like we do. Naturally the writers and cast are less than enthused about the idea of actually working to save the show. Speaking of cast, is there anyone left besides Tracy and Jenna? Someone should probably investigate their mysterious disappearance, preferably Steve Buscemi in drag. At least Pete perks up at the idea of slashing the budget like he knows he’s been destined to…pathetically.

Tonight’s awesomely titled episode “A Goon’s Deed in a Weary World” is technically the third to last episode of the series. But since next week will air the final two episodes back to back, this is for all intents and purposes the penultimate week of 30 Rock. The reality of a 30 Rock-less world is starting to set in and while it’s not a fun one, at least we now know the end is going to bring out the get-things-done-at-all-costs Liz. If anyone could convince Kabletown to un-cancel a show, it’s her. Seth McFarlane pulled it off and Family Guy didn’t even have fart doctor sketches 0n its side.