StarKid fans worldwide are counting down the hours until tonight’s YouTube premiere of the group’s new parody show, Holy Musical B@man. To whet our appetites while we wait, Team StarKid has released the title song for free on BandCamp. Listen now!


The track is performed by cast member Dylan Saunders and was written by Nick Gage and Scott Lamps. A version of this same song featuring Gage’s vocals was used in the preview video advertising the new musical.

Holy Musical B@man will premiere tonight, April 13, at 9 p.m. EST. The rest of the soundtrack is likely to be made available at the same time.

The StarKid website is also listing a new album, titled That’s What I Call Starkid Volume 2, as coming soon to buy on iTunes. We have a feeling that the songs which infringe copyright will be released for free on BandCamp, and the songs with more generalised lyrics will be released on this new album, much like the release of music from A Very Potter Sequel on both BandCamp and A Very Starkid Album.

What do you think of the song? Has it made you excited for the show? Any suspicions about the plot or cast? You can expect more coverage of the HMB premiere later today!