Sexy, sweet, and inspiring, Lips Close to Mine by Robin Bielman is nearly impossible to put down once you start! The Wherever You Go series is a must read.

About ‘Lips Close to Mine’ (Wherever You Go #2) by Robin Bielman:

I wasn’t supposed to see Levi Pierce ever again. A few months ago, he charmed the pants off me and we spent one incredible night together.

End of story.

Only it wasn’t. Pretty soon everywhere I turn, I see him. Our best friends are dating. My mother mistakenly—and happily—thinks he’s my plus-one to my cousin’s wedding. And he’s the guy I have to work with on the most important job opportunity of my life.

Here’s my problem: I like Levi. I like his killer smile and his dreamboat eyes and definitely the way he makes me feel in bed. But I’ve sworn off relationships. So when the sexual tension reaches epic proportions and we fall back into bed together, I tell myself it’s temporary. When I start to feel more, I tell myself it’s over.

Only Levi isn’t a forget-it kind of guy. When his lips are close to mine and he swears he’s always wanted me, my defenses disappear. But some things in life just aren’t meant to be.

Or are they?

‘Lips Close to Mine’ (Wherever You Go #2) by Robin Bielman review:

Before reading Lips Close to Mine I didn’t think it would be possible for Robin Bielman to create a better couple than Mateo and Teague from Talk British To Me. And yet, I just loved Levi and Harper so much.

I’ve been dying to figure out what happened between these two since it was revealed that they hooked up in the first book in the series. Unlike their friends who are dating, Levi and Harper have a long history. Having known each other since they were just kids, the pair have an easy chemistry that makes Lips Close to Mine such a joy to read.

“Pants Charming – that’s what I call him because he could seriously charm the pants off me with only his stupid smile – is a problem I have to learn to deal with.”

However, Harper has some darkness in her past that she’s still having a hard time getting over. Even though her passion is swimming, it’s also what caused her to lose someone very close to her heart. It’s what draws her to want to start working for a non-profit and also what has her closing herself off from getting closer to Levi.

What Harper didn’t realize though, is that chasing her dreams will also mean having to work with Levi. It forces Harper to play nicely with Levi and confront the fact that she has feelings for him that go past sexual, whether she likes it or not. Even though Levi has been dealing with some heartbreak of his own, he’s much more open about his feelings which means he spends a bit of time chasing after her.

“Liking someone engages more than brain cells. It changes your beats per minute and leaves you vulnerable, and I never want to feel that open to heartache again.”

Another thing to love about Harper and Levi is that they support each other no matter what. Even when they’re not exactly happy with one another or what they’re doing, they’re friends first and foremost. Their happily ever after is beautiful and totally worth waiting for.

Lips Close to Mine by Robin Bielman will be released on November 20! Pre-order now from Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo. And don’t forget to add it to your Goodreads!