Speaking to the United Kingdom’s The Times, Lionsgate UK CEO Zygi Kamasa is reconfirming news we heard way back in June: the studio plans to turn The Hunger Games trilogy into four films.

From the article:

Consider the evidence, says Zygi Kamasa, the producer of Good Night, and Good Luck and the new Great Expectations adaptation, who is also the UK CEO of Lionsgate, the mini studio that’s bankrolling The Hunger Games adventure. “You never want to tempt fate and class a potential new franchise with something as big as Twilight,” he says, revealing that although the first Hunger Games movie is still only in post-production, there are plans to turn the other two books into three movies (by splitting the last one, Breaking Dawn-style, into two separate episodes). “But there are so many similarities in both, especially with the appetite for the book that the fans seem to have. Right now, there are 30 million Hunger Games books sold world wide, which is grater than then number of Twilight books prior to that film’s release, even though at the time there was a huge industry buzz about Twilight being this very big franchise.”

Thanks to HungerGamesDWTC.net for the quote.

Do you, dear reader, think it’s a good idea to turn Mockingjay into two films?