30 Rock has always been a finely tuned joke trebuchet. Much in the same way people from Seattle  say “Don’t like the weather? Wait 20 minutes,” longtime viewers of 30 Rock could also assure themselves “didn’t like that last one-liner? Wait 20 seconds.” But thankfully, human beings usually require a little more from their art…otherwise networks would just air a slowly scrolling list of “yo mama” jokes in 30 minute increments (don’t get any ideas, CBS). We require substance, story and occasionally even a little bit of heart. Last night 30 Rock’s season finale proved once again, and conclusively, that it knew just how important all that “gooey” stuff was in-between the laughs.

Really, 30 Rock captured in one line, the hidden thesis of its seven year run when a frustrated Liz Lemon muttered to Jack midway through the brilliant two-part finale: “we ruined each other.” It’s a strong statement for such a normally light-hearted show but it’s also one of the most authentic moments the show has ever captured.

The emotional core of 30 Rock has always been Liz and Jack – two characters from wildly different backgrounds and perspectives but still spending a lot of time together for no other reason than they seem to enjoy each other’s company. And just like one would expect or even hope from any fulfilling relationship, they begin to change each other.

Liz becomes more mercenary in her professional life and Jack realizes that happiness might not be something that fits in a pie chart. Instead of embracing these changes, however, both Liz and Jack instinctively push away. They didn’t notice these changes gradually. One day Liz just wakes up and realizes that she is about to choke a woman with a tire swing because she feels worthless without work.

And Jack realizes that he can’t find fulfillment even through a steamy tryst with women who look like Julianne Moore and Salma Hayek. Jack and Liz initially don’t see adopting some of each other’s traits as change, they see it as a hostile takeover. It’s a truly human moment in a show where the Citizen Kane of sketch comedy is a skit called “Fart Doctor.” That’s why 30 Rock lasted for seven years and that’s why it justified NBC’s faith and investment in it. That and the fact that is was just absurdly funny. We don’t want to just list all the best jokes from the fina…ok, fine, yes we do. In chronological order:

Goodbyes are always hard but this season of 30 Rock has proven, if nothing else, that they don’t need to be cruel. Kudos to NBC for announcing an end date and sticking to it. Every week of the final season felt like a small party and the past week has felt like Mardis Gras.

Still it’s not exactly fun to acknowledge the end of something great so don’t worry: 30 Rock is just heading out to get cigarettes, it’ll be back in 15 minutes.