It’s Legacies season 2 mid-season finale time! Thank goodness we only have four weeks to wait until Legacies is back in action, but they gave us a lot to ponder over the holiday break.

So, quick Legacies season 2, episode 7 recap: The whole two Landons thing from last week was a plot to trick Malivore, which would hopefully result in the portal puddle closing and bada bing, bada boom, no more monsters. Needless to say, this rather clever scheme backfired on Josie Saltzman like WHOA, resulting in her lying blacked out on the floor after Vardemus (AKA Clark) tricked her into spelling a body-stealing trident. Oh, and Landon chose to leave town rather than confront Hope and Josie, using Penelope’s pen to write both girls a goodbye letter. And did I mention that the entire fandom fell in love with SimuLandon? He was so pure and true.

Anyway, okay, you’re all caught up. Now here’s what happened in the Legacies season 2 mid-season finale, “This Christmas Was Suprisingly Violent:”

Two Lost Souls

Okay, so after the major frenemy vibes that were radiating off Clark and Hope throughout pretty much the entirety of the Legacies season 2 mid-season finale, I am well prepared in case Clark ever truly picks a side. He and Hope have some serious friend-istry, and I found myself thinking I might actually be okay if this becomes like, a full blown friendship thing. Then again, I was all for Lex and Clark being friendly on Smallville, so maybe it’s just me with the mortal enemies being friends thing.

I am so here for the LOTR references

Keep them coming, Lizzie Saltzman. Honestly, I think it’s truly adorable how well she’s fit in her Frodo, Mount Doom, Shire, and hobbit references lately. The only way she would know that much about Lord of the Rings is if she’s secretly a big fan. There is a closet pop culture geek hiding behind Lizzie’s fair-haired, cool girl veneer, and I am so beyond ready for her to be proud enough to share it with the world.

Future crack theory: She and Landon actually end up besties who go to conventions together and see the latest fantasy movies at midnight.

Landon and Raf on the road again

So, the last time these two hit the road in search of someone’s parents, one ended up dead and the other suffered the effects of the Crescent Wolf Pack elixir for months. And I mean, Raf is still dealing with the after effects of being trapped in his wolf form, which was a direct result of him getting even more help from Hope.

Thank goodness this trip went better. And I’m not gonna lie, I was holding my breath every single time the episode returned to Raf and his father alone in that cabin. I was worried that his father had ulterior motives or would turn out to be evil or something. I’ve most certainly been traumatized by TVD one too many times to trust new faces. Not to mention that whole Vardemus thing.

Anyway, I’m really happy to get into Raf’s backstory here and to see how open he was to actually listening to this man, his biological father. This could have been a lot more accusatory or shouty, and I for one, am really grateful that it didn’t go that way. I hope we see Raf’s father again soon and maybe even meet this mother of his who disappeared.

Sizzie is right. *fans self*

If we ever accidentally think “Sizzle” instead of “Sizzie” it will still be 100 percent accurate ’cause this whole bitchy-banter, hate-flirting thing they’ve got going on is working for them, and for me. I mean, they went from fighting to forking in two seconds flat, so…

I don’t know where things are going to continue to go from here for our witch/vamp pair, but I’m enjoying watching as Lizzie tries to keep him at arm’s length with her hate, only to pull him close in her next breath. It’s very Klaroline-ish if I do say so myself. Her physical attraction to him is strong, but she knows he’s got some scary darkness in his depths.

Hope Mikaelson or Buffy Summers?

Okay, so since season 1, episode 2 when we watched Hope deliver zippy one-liners with a dragon, I’ve been getting a seriously strong Buffy vibe from our Mikaelson princess, and this episode brought that feeling back with gusto. All that Christmas-hating Hope was doing while trying to figure out how to snap everyone out of their holiday cheerfest, and the witty snaps she delivered to Krampus, had me sensing the Buffy vibe very strongly again.

Happy about the Pedro, sad about the M.G.

It annoys me that we didn’t get any M.G. in the Legacies season 2 mid-season finale, including any sort of reference as to why he’s absent. Like, what the hell? I was happy to see Pedro back in action though and appearing in so many scenes throughout the Christmas-themed episode. There’s just a whole different brand of happy that I get when I know Pedro is going to factor into an episode’s plot.

Krampus vs. Santa

This was actually a hell of a lot of fun. I never knew how badly I wanted to watch a Santa vs. Krampus smackdown. Seeing Santa suplex Krampus into a pile of presents is a gif I am hoping to bookmark for use when all my grumpy Christmas-phobic friends try to squash my Christmas cheer. It’s going to be epic.

Headmaster Alaric Saltzman is back?

Well, he has the desk plaque anyway. I don’t know how easily he will be able to quit his job as principal at MFHS, or if he really wants to when he’s away from all the Christmas giddiness. After all, there was a reason why he left the Salvatore School in the first place, and not everyone was understanding of his earnest motivations in setting up anti-magic precautions. We saw how everyone was treating Alaric’s betrayal in the season 2 premiere. He’ll definitely have some hearts to win over, that’s for sure.

Petition for Chris Lee to keep singing all the things

I’m so glad that they weaved Chris’ beautiful voice into the Legacies season 2 mid-season finale. I hope that as the show continues to go on, they continue to give Chris opportunities to showcase his immense talent and serenade us on the regular.

One ship dies and another flies

We HAVE to talk about Landon’s big return to the Salvatore School in Legacies season 2 mid-season finale. After he ran last week, rather than confronting Josie and Hope, I really didn’t think we would get him back at the Salvatore School so quickly, but I’m glad he came to his senses about the whole thing.

And I don’t mean about who he chose. While I was not a huge fan of Jandon, mostly because it was a Malivore-fueled way for both of them to fill the hole that Hope’s memory left in their hearts, I respect that there was some real love there. I hope that with time, and maybe another love interest, Josie will find it in her heart to forgive Landon for not being able to choose her. This show needs more strong, strictly platonic friendships, and the closeness that Josie and Landon found together was completely natural. Just because they aren’t romantically involved doesn’t mean they have to lose that kinship.

And the friendship thing goes for so many other characters, too. I need Raf to see that he needs Hope’s friendship more than he needs to make out with her. I need Lizzie to realize that M.G. was just looking out for her with the whole Sebastian thing and forgive him for his part in making her question her mental health. Oh, and I need Josie and Hope to put this Landon-related awkwardness behind them and lean on each other again.

I’m not saying I am against Josie and Hope ever being together. I actually think they have the potential for an epic, long term, slow burn romance, just not right now. They’ve got enough problems at the moment, and they both need allies and friends to get through some stuff.

And how about that kiss, huh? It was important to hear that both Hope and Landon still feel that strong love and connection that they had before she went into Malivore, and to see it come alive in a kiss was the perfect Christmas present to leave us with for the long break.


In the last moments of the episode, we see a familiar face pop out from under that infamous red robe. That’s right folks, in a completely shocking reveal, we learn that none other than the almighty NECROMANCER was under the hood the whole time! Considering he was raising zombies and such, this really shouldn’t be that surprising, but I was pretty damn shocked. I think I was just so excited to have him back on my screen that I squealed a little. The Necromancer (yes, I just shouted that in my head like he ALWAYS does) is one of Legacies best monsters, and I am happy to see that we may get more opportunities to watch him wreak havoc on the Salvatore School. I absolutely cannot wait for January.

And that’s all she wrote! (Lol, kind of literally.) Enjoy the holiday season with your families and maybe do a Legacies season 2 rewatch during the four week break to come back prepared and ready for the remaining 12 episodes.

What did you love most about the ‘Legacies’ season 2 mid-season finale?